Monday, October 8, 2007

Timothy McVeigh and The Afterlife

How great are Your works, O Lord!
Your thoughts are very deep.
A senseless man has no knowledge,
Nor does a stupid man understand this:
That when the wicked sprouted up like grass
and all who did iniquity flourished,
It was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.
Ps. 94: 5-7
HT: Get Religion

A senseless man has no knowledge about the Lord.
One characteristic of a senseless man may be the magnified opinion he has about himself. God is minimized, doubted, derided, scoffed at; the accoutrements of heaven and hell are likewise denied. But having scaled heaven, and finding a throne for his fanny, the stupid man sits down to judge for himself.

A couple of writers have published a book about interviews they did with that scofflaw McVeigh, the bomber. Here is a snippet of interview:

Question from chat room: Does McVeigh have any spiritual-religious beliefs?

Lou Michel: McVeigh is agnostic. He doesn't believe in God, but he won't rule out the possibility. I asked him, "What if there is a heaven and hell?"

He said that once he crosses over the line from life to death, if there is something on the other side, he will -- and this is using his military jargon -- "adapt, improvise, and overcome." Death to him is all part of the adventure.

There isn't much doubt what he thinks about the adventure now. Try "adapting, improvising, and overcoming" when in the hands of the living God.

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